Year 1


Our aim in Y1 is to ensure children have a happy, smooth and successful transition from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage One. The Y1 curriculum builds upon and extends children’s experiences in F2. Children are steadily introduced to more formal learning and they remain motivated and challenged through a range of exciting topics based around their own interests.

Miss Roylance



As part of our high-quality daily phonics lessons, children are taught to segment and blend words in preparation for the phonics screening check. Children are introduced to new sounds. They practice reading common exception words and read books closely matched to their phonics ability. 

English is taught daily and always based on a high-quality text. Adults read stories to children for 20 minutes every day. Children are exposed to a wide variety of authors and text types. This helps to promote a love of reading.  

Children take part in a daily maths lessons which explore and discuss mathematical concepts. Concrete resources are available to use at all times to support children’s understanding. The children complete work to a high standard; they reason and solve problems in a variety of ways.  

Our carefully selected topics are chosen to inspire and motivate the children to engage with their learning. We begin each topic with an exciting hook to stimulate their interest.

During Year 1, children will:  

  • perform on a stage
  • learn a range of skills enabling them to produce a self portrait
  • learn about their local environment
  • learn about their family history and document it on a family tree
  • develop fundamental, transferable sporting skills
  • be a published author
  • read a range of texts from over 20 different authors
  • learn how to solve maths problems in a range of ways
  • plant and seed and watch it grow
  • design and make a castle using junk modelling skills
Curriculum Maps
Supporting your child to read

At Bank End we ask that every child reads at home for a minimum of 10 minute everyday and brings their reading book back into school daily. This serve as the core of children's home learning as reading is the key to success in all areas of the curriculum. 



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