- Set regular patterns of attendance from when your child starts school.
- Take an interest in your child’s school life by talking to your child about school and what goes on there.
- Contact us as soon as your child is experiencing any difficulties and work with us in any way you can to help your child to overcome any difficulties.
- Attend Parent’s Evenings.
- Don’t condone absence, make medical and dental appointments outside of school time whenever possible.
- Let the school know the reason for any absence before 9.30am on the first day so that this can be entered into the register.
- If your child has to be late for whatever reason inform school beforehand or before 9.00am on the day.
- Try to make non urgent appointments for outside of school hours and always return to school after an appointment.
The school sets a target of 96% attendance annually and this is discussed regularly with both pupils and parents. To encourage active steps towards meeting this a weekly attendance trophy is presented to the class with the highest attendance (pupils with exceptional / serious medical circumstances are removed from this calculation, so as not to adversely affect outcomes). In addition, the weekly attendance figure is published in the school's newsletter, attendance figures are shared with parents at parents evening and progress towards the target forms part of the Principal's letters home.