I am Cassie Bunting the Special Education Needs Leader at Bank End Primary Academy. I work with Senior Leaders and parents and carers to ensure our school is offering the best inclusive provision for our children and families. We are a strong team who are dedicated to tailoring learning to every child’s needs irrespective of gender, race or disability.The school has an Equality Policy and ensures that there is equality of opportunity and those children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities are not disadvantaged.
We strongly believe in helping every pupil reach their full potential. Sometimes our children may need a little extra help and support to succeed in their education and social interactions. Positive relationships between adults and children are paramount. From the very beginning, our children learn that we are safe and trustworthy adults, who are reliable and approachable, who will listen and value their opinions and beliefs and remain consistent.
The staff in school support children with a variety of needs. Staff may work in sessions on a 1:1 basis, with peer mentors or with small groups as well as during quality first teaching. Children at SEN support will be placed on the SEN register with parental consent and consultation and will be part of an ongoing process called Assess-Plan-Do-Review. This enables all people involved with children who have additional needs to set personal targets, monitor progress, review and plan next steps.
SEND Policy
SEND Information Report
Local Offer
Information for Parents/Carers
You can contact me in a variety of ways; through the school office, speak over the telephone, make an appointment, write to me or catch me when you see me around the school site. I shall endeavour to find time to listen to any worries or concerns as soon as possible.
If you have any further questions, please follow the channels above.
Thank you!
Mrs Bunting
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