Physical Education


At Bank End Primary Academy we aim to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. It is our vision that every pupil will lead and enjoy a physically active lifestyle that they will carry into adulthood. Through a high-quality curriculum, whole school values and whole child approach, we aim to nurture confident, resilient, and respectful children who will strive to reach their best.

Each child receives two hours of physical education per week and where possible, this time is split equally between indoor and outdoor lessons to ensure a full range of topics are covered. Our curriculum has been designed to provide children with the fundamental movement skills, fundamental sport skills, and sport-specific skills they need to experience sporting success. These include:

Balance · agility · co-ordination · flexibility · strength · power · running · jumping · throwing and catching · attacking and defending · teamwork and tactics · spatial awareness

The curriculum has been carefully sequenced to allow children to build on a previous skill, knowledge and understanding. It is our intention to build the children’s resilience and determination by setting individual goals and enhancing their confidence by trying new sports and physical challenges.

At Bank End we listen to our children and aim to provide them with a range of interesting enhancements and PE related experiences. Our active break times provide the children with a structured sporting activity whilst encouraging our sport leaders to take on the role of a coach to enhance their leadership skills. We have strong links with local schools to ensure our children have the opportunity to take part in inter-school and intra-school competitions which help embed the values of fair play and respect.

We strive to educate our children and families to develop a greater understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle. We Embed this in everything we do at Bank End and actively encourage healthy choices and physical exercise. We enhance this further by taking part in heathy eating weeks and active travel. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds, as well as bodies, and will continue to use physical activity to support the children’s mental well-being.


Children have two PE lessons per week taught by the external sports company, Primary Sports Coaching, who are qualified to deliver the highest quality physical education curriculum. The curriculum is further enhanced by the dedication to after school clubs and the idea of creating links and further implementation sporting tournaments with other schools in the area. Our Curriculum Lead will be giving the Year 6’s the opportunity to become sport leaders, where they will deliver sports activities at lunchtime, to the younger children of the school. We follow the guidelines set by the national curriculum to ensure we offer a range of PE activities that allow each child to feel challenged and offer opportunities to progress further.


In KS2 the children will attend swimming lessons for 12 weeks, usually in Year 5.


Our physical education curriculum is high quality, well sequenced and planned to demonstrate clear progression of skills. Within each lesson, there are opportunities for formative assessment that are ongoing throughout different stages of the lesson. It allows the teacher to judge progress and make flexible adaptations to their planned teaching.

Through our curriculum we will be assessing children against the national curriculum standards which are assessed at: Working towards age related expectations, working at age related expectations and working above age related expectations.

Our physical education approach at Bank End means that, at the end of their times with us, pupils have had a positive experience of physical education. This then serves as a foundation on which to build in the future, developing into active, healthy young adults.

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